Gain Clarity.
Oct 14, 2020
Often we make decisions we regret as they are not in harmony with our values.
We may have lost sight and are not clear what is important to us.
Points to help gain clarity when we feel out of sorts:

Write down a list of values that are important to you.

Reflect on the ones you treasure the most and have difficulty with.

Know that sometimes we may be conflicted between values. We may feel as though we have to choose between two difficult situations both of which hold value to, for example spending time with family or attending an event that requires our service.
We can feel guilty if we choose one over the other, however it does not mean we value one more than the other.
We may need to then reflect as we go along how to balance our time and energy for both in alternation.
It is important to know that conflict and awareness can exist at the same time.
Being intentional about revisiting and paying attention to your values will help you gain clarity in times of conflict within.
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD