The following is important to do to reduce burnout:

Take regular breaks at work.
It is important to have regular rests and breaks. We need to factor in our lunch and dinner breaks while at work.
We live in a society that glorifies the martyrdom of business and the workplace itself is designed for productivity.
However for optimal and quality care of our patients, we ourselves have to be in good condition, focussed and well rested. Take your breaks.

Delegate work and don't take work home with you

Negotiate rosters so they are not as intense and have ample rostered days off
Don't work on days you are not rostered

Schedule leave time off work
Make sure you organise your leave in advance

Do relaxing activities on your days off

Read a book, sleep, go for a walk and get fresh air.

Minimise intense activity on your days off.

Honour yourself, be kind to yourself, allow yourself the time you need to create your own self-love...