How can we cultivate healthy relationships?
Oct 22, 2020
Where should everything start from?
In order to have a healthy relationship with others, we need to have a healthy relationship with ourselves first.
If we are compassionate and non-judgemental, towards ourselves, we will be this way with others.
4 questions to ask yourself In order to bring awareness:

Do you respect yourself?

Do you show compassion or nurture

How do you see yourself?

What is your best self?
If we believe we are not deserving of love, this will reflect in our relationships.
A key aspect in building good relationships with others is accepting ourselves. When we accept ourselves we will accept others and our expectations of others will be gone.

It is important to ask ourselves, do I really accept that person for their perfect imperfections?
Relationships are a mirror of how we reflect our own spirit and we are responsible for our spirit and the only one who can foster a relationship with ourselves. Noone else can complete that for us.
5 questions to explore you what you value in your relationships:

What relationships make you feel alive?

What relationships are truly nurturing,
supportive and respectful of you?

How can we raise them to be of a higher quality?

How can I bring myself to be the best self I can for others but most importantly for ourselves?
When we have explored these questions, we are better able to look inwardly and self reflect.
We may decide to build relationships with our own spirit, through writing, performance, dance, music and being creative.
We can engage in practices that resonate with our innate spirit, such as yoga, tai chi, reading scripture or visiting temples.
We can take these expressions of ourselves and explore a wider network or circle of which we develop healthy relationships with others.
Through these networks we will meet like minded and goal orientated people like ourselves, which will help us work towards becoming the best version of ourselves.
This will meet the needs of our human spirit, with an exchange and flow of energy that is uplifting and warm to the heart. Of Course there will be trials and tribulations as is with all relationships, however in intimate and trusting relationships, these issues can be worked through.
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD