What are the benefits of healthy relationships?
Oct 21, 2020
According to Harvard Medical School:

Caring relationships release stress reducing hormones.

Reducing stress then indirectly affects the immune system, coronary arteries, insulin regulation and gut function.
There are researchers that have shown:

Isolation can have the same effects as physical pain and close relationships are protective against the impacts of stress.

People with healthier relationships tend to live longer, have less depressive and anxiety symptoms, reduced risk of dementia and less risk of cardiovascular disease.

Healthy relationships help us grow spiritually. We are better able to develop intimacy and trust, companionship and love.

We become less fearful in nurturing relationships and feel less alone.

It is through intimacy and trust we are able to work through experiences and shed qualities such as envy, competition, and betrayal and move towards more wholesome feelings..

In our vulnerability in healthy relationships, we experience understanding, mutual respect and our communication skills improve.

It is important if we have any trauma or past experiences that impact on our current relationships, we seek professional advice and support, before opening ourselves up to new relationships that we feel may enhance our growth and healing.