What can we do to help others feel connected?
Our longing for connection is common.
As spiritual beings, we can support others to feel connected and thus also contribute to positive healing of others.
“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”
Here are 8 tips on how to support others and inquire about their sense of connection.

Trust your feeling that someone is struggling! Keep an eye on, patients your friends or family if you can sense something doesn’t feel right.

Most people do not admit to feeling lonely, therefore an open question to see if they want to talk such as “It’s been awhile since we have connected, what interesting things have you been doing with others (or themselves)?”

With patients in consultation, we can ask, “Who supports you when you are feeling down?” Sometimes directly gently asking “Are you feeling lonely?” (be mindful of your tone and body language)

Create and Offer some time, in office, and let them talk more then you do

For loved ones, make time for a “coffee/tea” or phone call. 30 minutes of quality time can make a difference. Touch base now and then to check in and see how they are doing.

Inquiry about how they are connecting in their communities, social gatherings or wirh others.

For loved ones, remind them of how needed they are in your life, with affirmations.

Remember to always Acknowledge someone's presence and value when we can sense feelings of disconnection.
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD