What is spiritual crisis/distress, pain of the spirit?
Have you experienced an event that has led you to question yourself, your identity, your faith and the presence of the innate and all pervading life force?
Or maybe you experience an event that led you to question your meaning and purpose in life?
Has this resulted in you feeling so distraught, you felt you were alone, had no one to turn to, were scared, vulnerable and fragile?
During this time did you feel fear, lack of self worth and Self esteem?
You never thought you would get beyond, never thought you could heal from it or experience peace again.

Pain of the spirit can occur when we have experienced something traumatic or challenging, that rocks our world and all that is in it.

It could be the loss of a loved one or relationship or a sudden change in employment or a severe physical illness that has impacted on our ability to live full productive lives.
This change has caused us to become emotionally distraught and is destabilizing to our life.

It affects every aspect of our lives, work, relationships and our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. During this time, we may question our values, our purpose, our goals and identity.
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD