“Life is meaningless”
Maybe this is something you have said to yourself or there is someone close to you or who you have taken care of who have utter these words.
There are many ways to approach this.
The thing that pops up in my head is,
what meaning is being referred to?
How can I clarify what exactly “meaning” may mean.
When I do this I find it sets up the foundation for clearer communication and less judgement. Meaningless is like we lost our “so what?” and don’t know where to look to gain that value back.
As humans we are unlikely to be truly content with any purpose of our existence. It has to be something that is aligned with your meaning, your deeper held values. Something that you believe in.
So believing in something is an innate core part of us that has powerful motivation to bring about a more fulfilling life. Life becomes more fun, relationships are improved, and now when you meet friends for on zoom or in person you are able to enjoy the food and company more.
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD
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