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How Do We Cultivate Humility?

humility Jun 07, 2020

What is humility? 

Humility is a Divine quality that brings forth wisdom, an understanding and strength within us. It enables us to draw closer to the Divine, and thus experience love within and with others. 

It is often mistaken as hiding ourselves away, so as not to be seen or heard. To be quiet about our skills, gifts and talents. However, in its truest and purest form, it is the recognition and acknowledgement that all that we are comes from the Highest source. That we exist not of our own doing, but from a power and Source that is Supreme. It is from the grace of this Source we are able to exist and manifest all that we are in co-creation and knowing this, is in essence, humility.


How do we cultivate humility?

Life experience can be our greatest teacher. We can be humbled by events, people, positive or negative experiences. Take for example, being blessed with a home. This can be a humbling experience if one has not had a home gifted before. 

 We can...

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How can we feel more connected to others?

Uncategorized Jun 05, 2020
To feel more connected to others it’s important that we first connect to ourselves.
When we connect to ourselves we’re also able to create lives that are meaningful and fulfilling.
Of course, this doesn’t eliminate negative feelings or behaviors, but it helps you cope more healthfully when challenges arise.
6 ways to feel more connected to yourself:
💐Recognize the needs of your spirit. What is it that brings you meaning?
💐 Accept your self, your thoughts and your emotions without pushing them away, see them in a non judgemental way.
💐 Remember You don’t need to “do anything” or fix your feelings, they are a way for you to experience the world around you.
💐 Take time for yourself to reflect on who you are and why.
💐 Kindness starts towards yourself so think of 3 things you love about you daily, jot it down.
💐 Engaging in the activities that inspires and brings you spiritual vitality.
When you connect...
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How did you authentically express yourself today?

humility Jun 04, 2020
Authentic expression is something that can be hard when we are worried about what others will think or how they will react.
A way I help myself be authentic is by making sure that what I say honours who I am.
What I mean by that is I ask myself if I say this does it align with my own self, my values, my spiritual beliefs and do I feel it resonated from a deeper place.
Sometimes when we voice our opinions they are not well received and we don’t feel good about what others said in response of our own expression.
When we learn to authentically express, its like learning anything,
You first have to do it and then you learn how to refine your expression.
So if people don’t take it well you refine the way you say something and still make sure that what you express resonates with you.
However there are some times when you have said things that were refined and you still get backlashed.
If you had humility, kindness and compassion when you expressed...
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Marriage as a spiritual journey

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2020
As my meditation teacher, Bhai sahib ji, would say,
“Marriage is a bed of thorns so we must Let the CAT out of the bag. “
C- Compassionately compromise
A- Acceptance of each other’s spirit
T- Tolerance of our shortcomings.
Your partner is there to smooth out the rough edges”
35 years ago when he gave that answer to a gathering of married couples they all laughed at this.
My idea’s of marriage at 17 years old was what I saw on those Indian Hindi movies, they fall in love and the man fights to love you for the rest of his life, and he adores you. (Those of you who have watched Indian movies know what I am talking about).
And I believe still everyone deserves to have a marriage that is soulful and alive.
As a women, I want to feel swept up into a great adventure of life with my husband, and know that I am the beauty in his life.
It’s ingrained in men since childhood to want to be the “hero” in the story, I...
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Addressing kids consciously.

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2020
If you are finding that your kids are a bit more demanding or clingy recently especially since the start of the pandemic, they may be feeling a bit anxious about what is going on and find safety and comfort from you as their parent.
Consider these tips to help you as a parent deal with the emotions and be a conscious parent:
🌺Being mindful about your kid may be feeling unsafe because they hear all the talk about COVID so this could be why they are clinging to you or seem more anxious.
🌺Ask yourself daily if the message of love, unconditional belonging and significance is getting through to your kids
🌺 You May not like their behaviour or attitude but remember there is always a reason behind the behaviour. If you can figure out the cause it will help you to find the best solutions
🌺 Active listening will always relay the message that you care, it makes them know you are always connected with them and love them.
🌺Develop your own self care practice because it will...
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My purpose as a parent that I learned yesterday.

Uncategorized May 28, 2020
This is my “threenager” son. He is quite the active little guy.
Yesterday he would not give up his screaming.
He was told he can not put more liquid soap into the cup (he filled it), and boy he lost it and was screaming. He starts emptying the water in his bath using a container while we had taken his sister out to go change.
I come back to see pretty much quarter of the tub water on the floor.
I am Not perfect so I was taken by surprise. I was about to lose it, but instead thought, okay it’s just water and with a loud voice I said “stop! what are you doing?”
In times of crisis for me things go in slow motion. Things are at a halt and this very neutral feeling comes about (which has proven to be advantageous in many situations I have been in).
I wrap him up in towel pulled him out of the tub and then hugged him as he continued to scream and cry.
I know he needs me now when he is still figuring out how to deal with his...
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Explore your purpose!

Uncategorized May 21, 2020
We all seek purpose but sometimes we can’t get that clarity and direction. It doesn’t have to be such a struggle.
Here are some questions to ask yourself to explore your purpose:
Write it down be intentional about gaining your clarity!
🌺Why do you get up in the morning? Take the time to reflect on it and answer honestly, you may find it points directly at your life purpose.
🌺Identify your core values.
🌺How do you express your purpose in your health, environment , relationships and community?
🌺 Write down ways to Authentically express and live what is important to you.
🌺Identify what makes you fell alive and where you want to use that energy.
🌺Write down what you enjoy contributing to your community and family.
🌺how do You live your life according to your values?
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD
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Spread positivity and reach out!

Uncategorized May 19, 2020
Helplessness is a feeling far too many are feeling right now.
Just because we have to be home or as this article states sheltered in place, we can spread positivity and reach out to others at this time.
"Beyond the bodily harm that comes from getting sick is the psychological harm that comes from mandated social isolation. The sense of disconnection that follows harms well-being, creates a psychological stressor that impairs our immune systems, decreases cardiovascular health and increases the likelihood of death.
Despite the importance of social engagement, however, we can be overly reluctant to reach out because we fear how the other person will respond. Will this be awkward? Will my kindness be appreciated? Does my old friend or acquaintance really want to talk to me? We find, time and time again in behavioural science experiments, that these concerns are exaggerated, creating a misplaced psychological barrier to reaching out to others."
This is an interesting read...
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Finding connection in your life through exploring Spirituality: Live session with Dr. Kenneth Levey!

Uncategorized May 15, 2020
Do you feel there is a disconnect in your life?
Maybe you have tried many different things to gain clarity but it just hard to create a habit that will maintain your wellness. It really shouldn’t have to be so hard, you deserve to feel alive in all that you do!
In this episode, I was live on Dr. Kenneth Levey show to discuss how to explore finding yourself and the importance of living from a place that is connected to your values.
We talk about spirituality and how it benefits you and how it is the centre of all aspects of health.

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The powers of both psychology and spirituality: Are they BFFs or Rivals?

Uncategorized May 15, 2020
Do you perceive them as rivals? Or maybe you feel they are the same?
Psychology is generally accepted as having a scientific basis.
Where spirituality is frequently seen as non scientific and even frowned down upon.
Here are 6 of the insights regarding the relationship between psychology and spirituality highlighted in this article:
🧠 Psychology, as you might know, is the study of the mind or the soul. Significantly, in the West, psychology is only referred to as the study of the mind, whereas the “soul” part is completely ignored.
🧠 Psychology, therefore, deals with the mind: the way we think, consciously form concepts, understand the world around us and make sense of it.
💗 Spirituality, on the other hand is frequently regarded as a practical tool to achieve self-growth, because it paves the way for transcendence.
💗 “Self-Transcendence” allow the experience of your self to move beyond the personal...
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